About Dr. Kante

Silamakan has a doctorate in Economics and Management from the Institut de Pédagogie Universitaire of Mali. He also holds a Professional Diploma in Internal Audit from the French Institute of Internal Audit and Control in Paris and a Master 2 in Strategic and Operational Management from the International Institute of Water Engineering and of the Environment of Burkina Faso. He is also certified in US government grant management.
He works as the first internal audit manager within an independent administrative authority in Mali.
Previously, he worked at the Office of the Auditor General of Mali and the International Organization World Vision Mali.
His areas of research focus on female entrepreneurship, the informal sector and internal audit.
Dr Silamakan Kante
List of Publications
1. Femmes et entrepreneuriat au Mali: vers une compréhension de l'accès au financement dans le secteur informel
Premier colloque international Afrique Développement Innovations - Institut d'Administration des Entreprises- Université de Poitiers
2. Lutte contre le VIH SIDA : commentaires sur les travaux de Nianguiry Kante
3. La motivation des femmes entrepreneures dans le secteur informel selon l’approche push/pull : cas de la commune I du district de Bamako au Mali
4. L’entrepreneuriat féminin au Mali : cas de la commune I du district de Bamako
5. La valeur ajoutée de l’audit interne pour une organisation
6. La lutte contre la fraude en entreprise
7. Les impôts indirects applicables au Mali
Collaboration, Communication, Project Management, Internal Audit, Informal Sector, Entrepreneurship, Female Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Common Sense, ...