Dr Silamakan Kante, PhD
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Scientific work

Study on informal female entrepreneurship
An in-depth study on informal female entrepreneurship in communes I, II and III of the Bamako district of Mali, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs.

Fight against HIV AIDS: comments on the work of Nianguiry Kante

"Internal audit is an independent and objective activity which gives an organization assurance on the degree of control of its operations, provides it with advice to improve them, and contributes to creating added value. It helps this organization to achieve its objectives by evaluating, through a systematic and methodical approach, its risk management, control and governance processes, and by making proposals to strengthen their effectiveness."
I specialized in internal audit by obtaining the Professional Diploma in Internal Audit from the French Institute of Internal Audit and Control in Paris. I was the valedictorian of Mali in January 2011.
As part of its activity, any organization is led to set objectives but at the same time it faces risks, the occurrence of which can prevent the achievement of the objectives set. Thus, any organization must take the necessary measures in relation to the risks that threaten the achievement of the objectives set. It must also ensure that their processes are working efficiently. Internal audit thus helps an organization by providing reasonable assurance that the objectives will be achieved, by providing advice to improve its activities. It will thus evaluate the processes in place in order to measure their effectiveness and contribute to their improvement. The objective of this article is to study the added value that internal audit brings to an organization
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Female entrepreneurship in Mali: case of commune I of the district of Bamako
The objective of this article is to contribute to the knowledge of female entrepreneurship in Mali. Thus, we investigated female entrepreneurship in commune I of the district of Bamako in Mali with the following objectives: the study of the individual characteristics of female entrepreneurs, their motivations and the difficulties they encounter. Using a quantitative method, a questionnaire was submitted to a total of 52 women entrepreneurs in commune I of the district of Bamako. Finally, 51 questionnaires were usable. After analyzing the data using SPSS software, the results show that the female entrepreneur of commune I of the district of Bamako works in the informal sector in small businesses and does general trade as her main activity. When she is married, she has the support of her husband. She financed her business thanks to the support of her parents and practices an entrepreneurship of necessity. Access to financing remains the biggest difficulty when starting a business. On the other hand, the problems of marketing and communication are the main difficulties in the management of the company.
The added value of internal audit for an organization

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Indirect taxes applicable in Mali
About Dr. Kante
Discover the journey and achievements of Dr. Silamakan Kante, specialist in internal audit, women's entrepreneurship and the informal sector.

Do not hesitate to contact me for any request or question.